• Catchweighers and DWS systems

"Time is money" – is a well-known saying that applies particularly to mail and logistics service providers. To optimise the control of the product flow and the allocation of storage and transport resources, Wipotec integrates efficiency enhancing weighing and volume measuring solutions for global CEP (Courier, Express, Parcel) organisations. Our systems are valued by leading logistics companies for providing maximised capacity planning and utilisation.

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Wipotec catchweighers and DWS solutions achieve cost advantages in the following industries:

  • CEP
  • Logistic
  • E-commerce / Warehouse

Efficiency and productivity increases are achieved through the following applications:

  • Completeness control
  • Quality inspection
  • Piece weight and filling quantity control
  • Chaotic product sequence in automated workflows

Wipotec – an economical solution for every application

We offer a portfolio of catchweighers matched to all market-related applications. This range starts with our attractive entry-level products that feature an excellent price-performance ratio, medium transport speeds and very good weighing accuracy. In the middle segment, the HC-SL weighs parcels up to 60 kg with performance parameters of 2.9 m/sec and a weighing accuracy of +/- 2 g, whilst ensuring correct invoicing. The upper performance range is covered by the HC-FL series providing extensive functionality and high throughput, as well as very straightforward integration and flexible handling.

Easy servicing and minimum maintenance characterise a mature product portfolio that stands for quick installation and commissioning. The range of machines is designed such that all relevant

application areas from the dynamic weighing of letters and parcels of varying volumes and weights, to the acquisition of codes using laser and camera systems, can be addressed reliably.

The integrated Wipotec weigh cells combined with intelligent algorithms ensure the highly precise determination of weights at high throughputs, even with chaotic product sequences.

This applies similarly to the weighing on inclines and during acceleration. High quality catchweighers designed for durability ensure your investment has minimum downtimes.

As a superlative and as a response to the increasing speed requirements of our postal customers, our engineers have developed the fastest MID-approved letterscale in the world, which with a speed of 4 m/s sets new standards for throughput and related service billing.

DWS Solutions – numerous benefits for CEP and intralogistics customers

Significant growth rates in the e-commerce business are increasing the number of smalls and parcels to B2B and B2C customers. At the same time the pressure on margins and prices at all the organisations involved in the value chain is increasing, particularly among the organisations in the CEP sector, as well as distribution and logistics centres.

By using innovative DWS solutions we offer you a product flexibly matched to your requirements which is easy to integrate and guarantees complete acquisition of all relevant data. The 360° data capture results in productivity increase due to a perfect revenue recovery.

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Smartest catchweighing: double scale HC-FL

You are looking for a high-speed catchweigher that weighs up to 11,000 parcels per hour at 2.9 m/s and delivers in a weighing range up to 60 kg? You want to increase your throughput by 30 %? With the HC-FL-2 we offer an intelligent double scale which offers the above-mentioned high-performance features. Furthermore, the unit synchronises into a virtual third scale, long parcels with a size of up to 1600 mm. Find out more about the exceptional benefits.

Continue to HC-FL

E-paper: AVC – Active Vibration Compensation

High-precision weighing results through AVC-equipped catchweighers

The use of dynamic weighing technology in sorting centres poses a special challenge, as vibrations play a major role. Weighing systems are often located close to sorters, which due to their moving masses, transfer vibrations onto the platforms or the transport systems.

Active Vibration Compensation (AVC) solves vibration issues. The unique vibration compensation solution from Wipotec uses intelligent algorithms to ensure the most precise weighing results, achieving the required weighing accuracy even in environments where vibrations prevail. AVC filters out ambient disturbances from measuring results without any loss in speed.

In this e-paper, you will learn about the layout of steel platforms in sorting and distribution centres, and how AVC makes it possible to reach the calibration values specified for scales even outside decoupled platforms.

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