Innovative strategies to combat the skills shortage

Attractive working conditions and additional offers

The shortage of skilled workers is affecting numerous companies in Germany. Especially in highly specialized production areas, the search for qualified employees is a challenge. With 24 vacancies currently unfilled, Wipotec is therefore breaking new ground to recruit skilled workers and present itself as a modern, attractive employer.

For example, a job speed dating event was successfully used to recruit new employees. The company is also continuously expanding its range of training opportunities in order to train specialists in specific areas and retain them in the long term.

Wipotec understands that modern workplaces require more than just exciting tasks. The company creates an environment that values and supports its employees with offers such as its own daycare center on the company premises, a fitness studio, the option of a job bike and support for international assignments.

These additional offers, coupled with an open and appreciative corporate culture, increase employee satisfaction and contribute significantly to long-term loyalty to the company.

Find out more about Wipotec's strategies in the full article on the SWR website.

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