A Better Battery – Weighing technology as quality control in battery production

The advances in e-mobility are ground-breaking. Although recent developments generally affect all subsections of production, the efforts of many engineers are currently focused on the battery cells essential for drive systems. Sheer expediency has given rise to a pioneering competition that has longevity and environmental protection as its objectives.

Experience shows that modern lithium-ion batteries not only support such ambitions in the best way possible but at the same time are becoming more and more profitable to produce. Consumers will be particularly pleased if that means a drop in price. Even a brief examination of the German market is enough to reveal a clear upward trend in the total number of cars with an electric power source registered in this country.

Meanwhile, people's awareness has also changed. Now, both the public and the trade press have become far more critical of technical performance figures than was the case only a few years ago. For example, the power consumption and range of an e-car frequently proves to be absolutely crucial in the final decision to buy. Consequently, the battery's cells in particular must meet a certain standard.

Quality assurance has always been one of Wipotec's core competencies. We rely on a holistic process that uses special systems tailored to the individual production steps. The Weigh Cells optimized for battery checking weigh accurately to within 0.1 milligrams with peak values of 1,000 measurements per second. Thanks to AVC technology, these results also remain free from external influences.

The smallest details can make a big difference here; after all, the battery in the vehicle is made up of various modules based on several battery cells. These can be adapted to the manufacturers' individual needs. The focus is on lithium-ion batteries which contain electrolyte and in practice are divided into three proven models: the circular cell, the pouch cell and the prismatic cell. An automatic battery management system controls the distribution of power.

Detailed information can be found in our e-paper:

A Better Battery

Cells of the future: The lithium-ion battery

Unlike the combustion engine's dependence on finite petrol, an electric drive runs without a constant supply of fuel. A connection to the power grid is all that's needed to prepare the specially designed battery for its next journey. In this context, it is also referred to colloquially as a rechargeable battery because the lithium-ion batteries used are rechargeable energy storage devices whose potential uses are not limited to the area of e-mobility. Even simple household appliances work on this principle.

Accordingly, the global demand for lithium-ion batteries is clearly continuing to rise. Up-to-date forecasts predict that demand will double and triple in the coming years. As a result, all progressive car manufacturers would like to position themselves in the market in good time and benefit from the advantages of coordinated production. The requirement for this project's success is efficient and reliable quality control of internal processes.

The world needs batteries: Forecast for global demand for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles by region (in GWh) (Sources: Statista estimate, EIA; IEA)

Wipotec acts: More quality in e-mobility

Innovative environments require special flair. To achieve the best possible results in battery production, every company should cooperate with experienced partners in specific areas. Wipotec offers the complete package for systematic weighing of battery cells.

In the production of batteries for powering e-mobility, a verified completeness check of the electrolyte proves crucial. The typical procedure is based on the so-called tare-gross method, using glass vials as an example in the video. Accordingly, the weight of a battery cell is determined at least once, first when empty and then when full. The more accurate the underlying values, the better the performance of the finished product. For precise filling quantities, the machine must not be exposed to any external vibrations.

To ensure this, Wipotec has developed a unique feature – Active Vibration Compensation (AVC):

The basic principles of AVC


New standards: Weighing up batteries carefully

Europe heralds the energy turnaround. The promotion of sustainable individual transport calls for controlled production processes centred on the production of high-quality rechargeable lithium-ion-batteries. To improve tracking, the EU is therefore introducing a new battery regulation that is expected to be mandatory for all manufacturers from January 2026. Along the entire value chain, the production details (including the origin of materials) are entered precisely in a battery passport which must be produced in the event of queries.

However, the demands for transparency and personal responsibility go even further. In future, records will be kept of every aspect of a battery's lifecycle – from primary application for the benefit of e-mobility to reuse and recycling. This seamless aggregation reflects the core idea behind Wipotec's Track & Trace applications. Together, we are ensuring safe battery production. Lowest error tolerances minimise the failure risk and any resulting recalls, so that the company's image remains impeccable.

Seizing opportunities: Our experts' views

The most important facts about Wipotec Weigh Cells

  • High-Speed Weighing: Fastest settling times with 1,000 measurements per second
  • High Resolution: Highest display accuracy of up to 0.1 mg
  • Guaranteed Linearity: Reliability of the scales as a quality feature
  • Freedom from Errors: Reproducible results thanks to AVC technology, regardless of external disruptive factors such as vibrations in the production environment

E-mobility is constantly reaching new milestones. To help you keep track, our e-paper provides you with a concise and up to the minute roundup of the most important information on the quality control of battery cells. You can download your personal copy at the end of this section. Find out more about Wipotec's approach using electro-magnetic force restoration (EMFR), which drives our weighing systems to peak performance, or learn why a battery in an electric car accounts for almost half of its entire added value. Whatever the future holds, Wipotec is on the ball. As a team, we stand for safe production processes and more efficient weighing operations.

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Weighing Technology in Battery Production

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