Generous donation to regional organizations

Proceeds from the open day on 27.04.2024

At the end of April, our halls and company premises opened their doors for a rousing open day, where numerous visitors took the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and enjoy the wide range of products on offer. 

A particular highlight was that all drinks and meals were offered at a symbolic price.  All proceeds from the event were donated to regional charities.

Today, thanks to the lively participation and generous donations, an impressive sum of €6,390 was handed over. This sum was handed over in equal parts to the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), the organization Lichtblick e.V. and the Tierheim Kaiserslautern e.V. animal shelter.
The organizers and the beneficiary organizations were extremely grateful for the support and the great interest shown by the community.

This open day was not only an opportunity for a relaxing day out, but also a significant contribution to supporting local charity projects.

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