MINT promotion for the Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium Kaiserslautern

MINT promotion for the Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium Kaiserslautern

"My grandpa forced me into technology"

Last Wednesday, 04 October 2023, Theo Düppre handed over a generous check for 20,000, - € to the principal Roland Frölich and MINT coordinator Carsten Meyer as MINT promotion at Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium.

The Robotics AG, for which new robots are to be purchased, a state-of-the-art 3D printer and equipment for the Plotter AG have already been identified as funding projects.

"It is a personal concern of mine to get young people excited about technology while they are still at school. The MINT subjects, mathematics, information technology and natural sciences, are the basis for this," emphasizes Theo Düppre. "I was forced into technology by my grandfather. I can file and saw myself, but you have to do the electrics in the house, he said. Well, that's why I got involved with it as a youngster. Later I trained as an electrician, studied electrical engineering, and 35 years ago founded Wipotec... - the rest is history: 175 million € annual sales (2022), 1,250 employees worldwide, 950 of them in KL. Self-represented in 12 countries, with sales partners a network of over 100 countries worldwide.

With 1,140 students and 90 teachers, the HSG is the largest high school in Kaiserslautern with a focus on the natural sciences. As a member of the national MINT-EC (Excellence) network and the TU-net MINT of the RPTU Kaiserslautern, it offers 8 focus groups in the field of natural sciences.

"With the support of the municipality of 1,000, - € per year we do not get far. Therefore, we rely on such donations from the business community to further expand our program both in breadth and depth. Our pupils are the students of tomorrow and the so urgently needed specialists for the economy of the day after tomorrow," explains principal Roland Frölich. Düppre replies: "My goal is to provide intensive and regular support and encouragement. Not only in the form of monetary donations, but also to be attractive as an internship site, for training and dual studies. This is ensured by Ms. Ferihan Steiner, our new human resources development officer."

Thank you, Grandpa Düppre!

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