Doing good together: Wipotec donates €24,000 to charities in traditional donation campaign

Doing good together: Wipotec donates €24,000 to charities in traditional donation campaign
Doing good together: Wipotec donates €24,000 to charities in traditional donation campaign

Together we can make a positive change in our world!

As part of a festive occasion in our company premises, our annual charity event took place on Friday. At Wipotec, we see it as our responsibility to contribute to society and the environment. Therefore, it was a matter of the heart for us to make this donation and show our support. As our CEO, Mr. Theo Düppre, emphasized: "We are grateful to be able to do good through our donation and to do our part in making the world a little bit better."

We have decided to support associations in the areas of health, elderly care, and animal welfare, as these topics are particularly close to our hearts and we believe that they make an important contribution to our society. The selected organizations are:

  • The Tierschutzverein Kaiserslautern e.V. provides a home for rescued animals and advocates for animal rights.
  • The Mama/Papa hat Krebs Förderverein Kaiserslautern e.V. provides support and assistance for children and young people whose parents are suffering from cancer.
  • The Alt-Arm-Allein e.V. helps needy seniors so that they can lead a dignified life.
  • The Förderkreis kranker Kinder Kaiserslautern e.V. supports families of seriously ill children and young people.
  • The Animal Sunshine Farm e.V. advocates for the protection and rescue of animals in need.
  • The Herzkrankes Kind Homburg e.V. provides support for families of children with heart disease and advocates for better care for children with heart disease.

We are convinced that our donation will help to support their important work and bring about positive changes in our community and beyond. We believe that joint efforts and cooperation are necessary to improve the lives of people and animals in our society.

We would like to thank the representatives of the associations who were present at the donation handover to receive the donation. Your commitment and hard work are indispensable for the well-being of our society.

Together we can make a positive change in our world!

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