WIPOTEC donates to charitable organisations

Social responsibility and commitment

Dr. Schmitz - on behalf of the WIPOTEC Group – recently handed over a cheque for 4,000 euros each, to four social institutions: Alt-arm-allein (old-poor-alone), Mama / Papa hat Krebs (mom / dad has cancer), Der Wünschewagen (make a wish van) and Hospizverein für Stadt und Landkreis Kaiserslautern e.V. (Kaiserslautern hospice association).

"Alt-arm,-allein" is an organisation for elderly people, living in the city and district of Kaiserslautern, with the objective to ease the consequences of poverty in old age. The society "Mama / Papa hat Krebs" supports children and adolescents in extreme circumstances, when a parent is suffering from cancer. “Der Wünschewagen” fulfills one final wish for gravely ill people and takes them back to their favourite place, together with their families and friends. The “Hospizverein für Stadt und Landkreis Kaiserslautern e.V.” assists terminally ill people and their loved ones and provides tremendous support for those at the end of their life.

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