Advanced Weigh Cell Technology

Advanced Weigh Cell Technology

How EMFR and AVC Improves Weighing Results

For parcel processing, as well as food and healthcare packaging, recent technology advancements have made in-motion weighing operations more precise and profitable.

Catchweighers, which in North America are more commonly known as in-motion scales, are an essential aspect of material handling and parcel processing and distribution. In a fast-paced distribution environment, catchweighers must operate both swiftly and with exacting accuracy; in terms of precision, the weigh cell becomes the central mission-critical element. 

Checkweighers used in food and healthcare packaging operations prevent the under filling and overfilling of product, resulting in brand protection and cost reduction due to less product giveaway. Reducing product giveaway is simplified by utilizing the checkweigher's filler feedback capability. The cost reductions achieved with a checkweigher implementation usually result in machine return on investment (ROI) times of well under a year. 

Like many crucial machinery items, technology has evolved in recent years. The latest and greatest catchweighers and checkweighers incorporate weigh cells featuring Electro-Magnetic Force Restoration, or EMFR. Let us explore what this entails, and how it compares to conventional weighing methods.

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