Application Report: End-of-line marking and inspection Block House

Application Report: End-of-line marking and inspection Block House

Metal Detection, Checkweighing, X-ray Inspection, Printing and Verifying

Discover how Block House Butchery maintains the highest quality standards through its collaboration with Wipotec. Using advanced technology, such as checkweighers, metal detectors, X-ray inspection, and TQS for marking and verification, Block House ensures the quality and safety of its products. The company relies on state-of-the-art equipment to meet its automation goals and for future-proof planning. For this reason, they have chosen TQS in order to be prepared to soon be able to print 2D codes for retail on the packaging in line.

Comscale software provides comprehensive data management, enabling seamless documentation and clear traceability. Block House values Wipotec's excellent service and plans to continue the successful collaboration in the future.

Watch the video here: End-of-line systems for Block House

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