White Paper: Aggregation in Pharma: The future-proof solution


Aggregation in the pharmaceutical industry: the technological leap and its advantages.

Aggregation stands for a technology leap in the healthcare supply chain that can take a dimension similar to a blockchain in the financial industry. The white paper highlights, in the form of numerous facts on worldwide regulatory requirements for aggregation, the fact that there are no limits to progress in the pharmaceutical industry. It explains in detail how drug manufacturers can trace the origin of their product completely according to the "parent-child principle". At the same time, the white paper provides an insight into the improvement potential of all processes along the supply chain using aggregation. The focus is not only on the start and end points, but also on useful additional information on the correct handling of delivery damages of aggregated medicine consignments.

The white paper addresses legal peculiarities of individual states such as Russia or India. The combination of important facts and a multitude of valuable information helps to keep the essential overview in these dynamic times.

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