From Plant to Patient

Safety Through RFID

Healthcare facilities are in the process of establishing RFID technology as a standard. RFID allows mix-up control, prevents drug diversion and enables producers, facilities and staff to keep track of medication on vial and dose level. This challenges pharmaceutical manufacturers to support this trend. The Traceable Quality System performs the required tasks – in its typical user- friendly way.

The TQS features a Continuous Inkjet printer to mark the caps with a human-readable code or text. As the content of the marking is entered via the central control, printer and camera receive the same information. Therefore, the camera checks the print in the next step without an operator having to teach it. The RFID unit also is a fully integrated part of the system. It therefore automatically receives the same data as the printer and camera, which it then can either write into a tag or read out data that has already been written in an earlier process step.

Key Features

  • CIJ printing code or text on cap
  • 100% print control
  • RFID writing and reading

Your Benefits

  • One system
  • One user interface
  • One contact
  • One service partner
  • Unlimited options

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