• Sustainable Procurement Guidelines


Wipotec’s corporate activities are characterized by the acceptance of corporate social responsibility in close line with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. The interests of both the present and future generations must be respected and supported in all of Wipotec’s acts and services contributing to the company’s success.

We also expect all our business associates, whether customers, suppliers or subcontractors, to respect and comply with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. Our principles and values shall actively guide our actions in dealing with our business associates. Our business relationships are based on mutual trust, respectful “eye level” interaction in accordance with the established guidelines. At Wipotec, the guidelines for sustainable procurement are strongly rooted in the international regulations outlined in the guiding principles of the UN Global Compact initiative.

These guidelines define a minimum set of corporate social responsibility standards that we expect from our business associates and suppliers, as well as from their subcontractors.

We therefore reserve the right to verify compliance with these guidelines and principles on site. To the extent necessary, we offer to assist our business associates and suppliers in adhering to the criteria of these guidelines and improving their corporate social responsibility standards.

The following guidelines are also an integral part of our tender conditions and are taken into consideration when deciding on awards. While we take into account national and cultural differences and particularities, we will not make any concessions with regard to the central requirements of these guidelines.

As far as it is within our sphere of influence, we will monitor and influence the application of these guidelines across our entire value chain. In addition, we require our suppliers also to influence their subcontractors and work with us to ensure compliance with the principles of the UN Global Compact initiative.

Corporate social responsibility standards to be met

1. Employees (people employed in the process of creating value)

Recognition of human rights.

We require our business partners, suppliers and their subcontractors to recognize and uphold the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ensure that they are not involved in human rights abuses.

No discrimination or harassment.

Every employee must be treated with respect and dignity. No employee will be physically, psychologically, sexually or verbally harassed or abused with respect to their gender, race, religion, age, family circumstances or origin.

No child labor and forced labor.

Business partners, suppliers and their subcontractors will not tolerate child labor, forced labor or other involuntary labor in accordance with International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions C138 and C182.

Occupational safety and health protection in the workplace.

Our business partners, suppliers and their subcontractors must ensure occupational health and safety for their employees in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. At a minimum, employees must have free access to drinking water, sanitary facilities, appropriate fire protection, lighting, ventilation and – where necessary – suitable personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment must be provided to employees free of charge. Employees must be trained in the proper use of protective equipment and in general safety regulations.

Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining.

Our suppliers respect their employees’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with applicable laws and ILO conventions.

Transparency of working hours and remuneration.

Working hours shall be in accordance with the executable laws. The employees shall receive employment contracts that specify the working hours and remuneration. All compensation shall be paid without delay and in accordance with applicable laws.

2. Environment

Protection and preservation of the environment is very important to us. It is important to us that our suppliers also understand and accept the environmental impact of their business activities. They shall ensure a responsible approach to the environment and work continuously to reduce their environmental impact.

Environmental protection.

We expect our suppliers to have developed and implemented adequate environmental protection measures as part of their value-added processes and to conduct their business activities in compliance with all applicable environmental protection laws and regulations.

Handling hazardous substances.

Safe handling, movement, storage, reuse, or disposal of chemicals and other substances that are categorized as hazardous if they are released into the environment must be ensured.

Reduction of resource use, waste and emissions.

The ongoing improvement in the efficiency of our processes, combined with the sustainable use of raw materials, are important contributions made by management and operational leadership to protecting the environment and the climate. A significant contribution to this is made by avoiding the use of non-regenerative raw materials, proper waste disposal, and consistently reducing emissions and pollutants. All waste shall be continuously minimized, identified, and monitored, as shall all emissions into the air, water, or soil.

3. Ethical and moral business standards

Ethical standards.

We demand a high level of business ethics from our management, our employees and our business partners. In particular, the respective national laws must be observed. We expect that none of the parties involved in our procurement processes will engage, either directly or indirectly, in corruption, bribery, fraud, coercion or extortion, or indirectly accept or tolerate such conduct.

Transparent business relations.

Our business partners, suppliers and their subcontractors will neither offer nor accept gifts, payments or other benefits that might be likely to induce a person to act contrary to their obligations.

All business associates and suppliers of Wipotec are required to comply at least with these guidelines and the applicable legislation of the countries where they operate. Wipotec has identified three main criteria that are crucial for a high level of social responsibility in the value chain:

  1. Recognition of human rights and guarantee of appropriate working conditions for the people employed in the process of creating value
  2. Minimizing the impact on the environment
  3. Observance of ethical and moral business standards
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