TOP 100 Award

Congratulations at the German SME Summit

Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates Wipotec on being awarded the TOP 100 seal. The award ceremony at the Summit took place on Friday, June 23, in Augsburg for all medium-sized companies that received the TOP 100 seal at the beginning of the year. The science journalist is accompanying the innovation competition, which is being held for the 30th time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, Wipotec impressed in particular in the categories "Innovation Climate" and "External Orientation / Open Innovation" in size category C (more than 200 employees). This is already the second time that Wipotec has been among the top innovators.

The TOP 100 company portrait published on the occasion of the award states (excerpt):

Weighing, printing, inspecting and detecting foreign objects - Wipotec's machines perform these and other tasks for various customers around the world. Whether it's the optical tracking and automatic rejection of foreign objects from a pile of sunflower seeds on the conveyor belt or the X-ray inspection of pizza packaging: "There's no such thing as can't" is the team's motto. In order to be able to complete every task at the highest technological level, the medium-sized company relies on open innovation. In this way, it repeatedly opens up its innovation process to partners and universities. "We regularly make cooperation agreements and thus get to our goal much faster and better," says Managing Director Theo Düppre. Developing suitably yet at high speed - the company also achieves this goal with an efficient process based on a modular system. Highly complex innovations are regularly created in this way. Wipotec holds more than 600 patents.

Click here for the complete portrait (in German).
Check out the video on YouTube to get an impression of the award ceremony.

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